Receive three independent Master’s qualification from France, Croatia and the United Kingdom

3 Master's Award
with Accreditation
& Recognition

Old Museum

Master of Business Administration (MBA) Triple Crown Award

Master of Arts in Education Management and Innovation Pedagogy (MAEMIP) Triple Crown Award

Master of Talent Development and Human Resources Management (MA in HR) Triple Crown Award

Master of Philosophy in Logistics and Supply Chain Management

Master of Philosophy in Management

Master of Philosophy in TESOL

Master of Philosophy in Public Administration

Master of Philosophy in International Relations

Master of Philosophy in Hospitality Management

Differences of Paris-U’s Master Program

In addition to meeting international standards for the Triple Crown Award, programs at Paris-U also thoroughly apply the A.C.T principles as follows:

  • Accredited programs with international recognition.
  • Changeability that allows changing majors and earning additional degrees within 6 months after graduation.
  • T-Shaped competencies and skills.


Triple Award with the UK & Croatia

Received 3 qualifications with (1) Level 7 (Master) from the UK and (2) MBA from VERN University Croatia and (3) Master's degree from Université Libérale de Paris (Paris-U)

Global recognition

Triple Crown Programs at Université Libérale de Paris (Paris-U) offer one step ahead to the labor market, study, or transfer to other education systems.

Scholarships and Grants

Université Libérale de Paris (Paris-U) offers a variety of Scholarships for International Students.

Université Libérale de Paris

Université Libérale de Paris (Paris-U) offers only higher education programs in English that differ from the French National Curricula and Programmes leading to French Government accredited university qualifications, which fall under the French Public Higher Education sector.

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